When Women Offend

Female predators have always been with us

Amy Punt
7 min readOct 29, 2023
A black and white photo of a white plastic mask that looks like a feminine face. It’s leaning against a wall of black ink that appears to be spraying out from the top of the head. It’s an unsettling image.
Photo by Edilson Borges on Unsplash

Lindsay Clancy, 33, wife and mother of three, is accused of strangling her three children to death after sending her husband out on errands.

Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 25, wife, mother, and teacher, faces six charges in connection with the attempted rape of a 16-year-old boy.

Brittany Zamora, 24, wife and teacher, is serving a 20-year sentence for the sexual abuse of one of her 13-year-old students.

Alissa Mccommon, 33, wife and teacher, is accused of raping a 12-year-old student in her own home. After getting released on bond, she called the victim and threatened him, saying he’d “regret” going to authorities. She now claims she’s pregnant with their child.

Dr. Aimee Palmitessa, 45, wife, mother, and teacher, was convicted on three counts of rape of a 16-year-old student. Palmitessa taught for nine years at an elite school in Brentwood, CA, famous for its famous clientele. I knew her. She and her then-husband had been good friends with my former sister-in-law and her husband. My now ex-husband and I had been in their home and out with them a number of times. She was pregnant the last time we’d seen them, which was before her arrest in 2017.

She was charming, pretty, brilliant, and her husband was devoted to her. He had…



Amy Punt

Writing about Personal Growth, Trauma, Recovery and the cultural moments that reflect our hidden traumas.