Should You Write Publicly About Your Trauma?

Writing slayed my demons

Amy Punt
7 min readNov 8, 2023
A cat crouching in the grass to communicate neglect, forgotten, afraid.
Photo by Oliver Schwendener on Unsplash

In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder, a secret order. -Carl Jung

There is no coming to consciousness without pain. -Carl Jung

Should you share your story publicly? What are the risks, aside from whether or not you’ll be believed? Because if it’s true, you’ll be believed. Just know that. What you really might be wondering is what the legal ramifications might be. Could you face them? Could your abuser sue you, that is, if you never reported and your abuser was never convicted, much less investigated? How does it work for private citizens, you, and them?

I’m no attorney. I can’t offer you legal advice, and only you know whether your family has a legal fight in them. But if this helps at all, know that, in this country, they’d have to prove that you don’t believe yourself, that you’re publicly accusing them to harm them, their reputation, and their businesses. If you believe yourself and there are others in your life who believe you, therapists, doctors, friends, spouses, then that becomes much harder to prove, possibly impossible.

I don’t think you ever have to wonder what lies a narcissist tells…



Amy Punt

Writing about Personal Growth, Trauma, Recovery and the cultural moments that reflect our hidden traumas.