EMDR Therapy Helped Me Uncover Decades of Forgotten Abuse

Amy Punt
7 min readMar 24, 2022
Dark hallway
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Following EMDR therapy yesterday, another memory emerged from the depths. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a method proven to help trauma move from the primordial brain up to the frontal lobes where meaning can be made and the patient can no longer feel like they’re trapped in a cycle of horror. When trauma occurs, something that the mind and body perceive as imminent death, it often gets trapped in the lizard brain. The individual carries that moment with them and when it's triggered the body can’t tell the difference between when it happened and the moment it is now in.

Many people are experiencing relief through this process where no other therapies or medications have proved as effective. Most notably, EMDR therapy is now used because the studies done to demonstrate its efficacy showed that military men and women diagnosed with PTSD experienced significant relief from their symptoms following just a few sessions.

I don’t know if anyone has ever attempted to gather data on people who suffer from repressed memories of sexual assault and child sexual abuse. At any rate, my specific issues may be too unique to duplicate. I have the added layer of having been drugged throughout my childhood and adulthood. By my mother.



Amy Punt

Writing about Personal Growth, Trauma, Recovery and the cultural moments that reflect our hidden traumas.